55. Taking the form of an obiter dictum only, the Constitutional Court
maintains that it is aware of the fact that owing to the development of
modern information technologies and communication means, new and more
sophisticated ways of commitment of crime occur, which need to be
addressed accordingly. Nonetheless, the Constitutional Court expresses
its doubts whether the very instrument of global and preventive
retention of location and traffic data on almost all electronic
communications may be deemed necessary and adequate from the perspective
of the intensity of the intervention to the private sphere of an
indefinite number of participants to electronic communications. Within
the European context, such opinion is not at all rare, since the Data
Retention Directive has faced substantial criticism since its coming
into force, both from the Member States (e.g. the governments of
Ireland, the Netherlands, Austria or Sweden have been hesitating to
implement it or have not implemented it yet, whereas the latter two have
done so despite a publicly announced warning of the Commission to
initiate proceedings with the European Court of Justice), and from
legislators in the European Parliament, the European Data Protection
Supervisor (see the data retention conference conclusions held by the
Commission in Brussels on 3 December 2010, available on
http://www.dataretention2010.net/docs.jsp), or the Data Protection
Working Group established in accordance with Article 29 of Directive
95/46/EC (cf. its statements available on
as well as from non-governmental organisations (such as Statewatch,
European Digital Rights or Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung - AK
Vorrat). All the bodies mentioned above have sought to put the location
and traffic data with more adequate instruments (e.g. so-called data
freezing allowing the monitoring and retention of necessary and certain
data relating to the specific participant to communication selected in
advance, provided certain conditions are met), or they have sought its
amendments, mainly in the form of providing the individuals affected
with sufficient guarantees and means of protection, as well as applying
more restrictions on retained data security against threats of
third-party leaks and misuse.
56. Similarly, the Constitutional
Court expressed its doubts when also examining whether the instrument of
global and preventive retention of traffic and location data may be
deemed, from the perspective of the original purpose (i.e. protection
against security threats and prevention of serious crime) as an
effective tool, mainly due to the existence of so-called anonymous SIM
cards, which are beyond the extent of retained location and traffic data
as anticipated within the contested legislation and which, according to
reports of the Police of the Czech Republic, are used for the purposes
of commitment of criminal offences up to a level of 70% (cf. “Czech
Police in bid to ban anonymous SIMs, operators protest”, iDNES.cz, 18
March 2010). In this respect, it is possible to refer to the analysis of
the Federal Investigation Bureau of Germany, dated 26 January 2011,
which - on the basis of comparing data before and after adopting the
legal regulation in question - concluded that using the instrument of
global and preventive retention of location and traffic data produced
only negligible effect in reducing the number of serious crimes or the
level of their detection (the analysis and the specific statistic data
are available on
Similar conclusions may also be drawn when glancing at the statistic
summaries of crimes committed in the territory of the Czech Republic,
e.g. the comparison of statistic data in the period of 2008 - 2010
(available on
Last but not least, the Constitutional Court would like to express its
doubts whether it is at all desirable that private persons (service
providers in the area of the Internet, telephone and mobile
communication, i.e. in particular, mobile operators and commercial
enterprises providing Internet access) should be entitled to retain all
data on the communication provided by them, as well as on customers to
whom services are provided (i.e. data going beyond the extent of data
which they are obliged to retain in accordance with the contested
legislation), or that they should be allowed to dispose of them freely
for the purposes of collecting debts or developing their business or
marketing activities. The Constitutional Court perceives such a
situation as undesirable mainly due to the fact that the Electronic
Communications Act or any other legal regulations do not specify or
define this competence and its purpose in further detail; the rights and
duties have not been defined in a sufficient and precise manner, as
well as the extent of retained data, the length and manner of retention,
and the requirements concerning the data security or review mechanisms
have not been specified in further detail, either.
58. With
respect to the above, the Constitutional Court held, in accordance with
Section 70 para. 1 of the Constitutional Court Act that the contested
provisions of Section 97, para. 3 and 4 of Act No. 127/2005 Coll., on
Electronic Communications and on Amendments to Certain Related Acts
(Electronic Communications Act), as amended, and the contested Decree
No. 485/2005 Coll., on the extent of traffic and location data, time of
its storage and the form and method of its disclosure to the bodies
authorised to use it, should be abolished on the day of publishing the
Judgment hereof in the Collection of Laws (Section 58, para 1. of the
Constitutional Court Act). ... |