European policy making is affecting our every day lives and civil liberties more and more. The EU is increasingly imposing unnecessary and disproportionate governmental surveillance measures on us. We will not take this any longer. Let's carry our protest into the capital of the EU!
We invite you to join us for three days of:
- protest (Saturday, 17 September 2011)
- networking (Sunday, 18 September 2011) and
- debate with Members of the European Parliament and EU Commission staff (Monday, 19 September 2011).
Let us get together, meet friends from other parts of Europe and tell the EU that we won't take that continuous erosion of our fundamental rights any longer.
The trailer
The events
- 17 September: Day of protest - Protest march "Freedom not Fear - Stop the surveillance mania!" in Brussels
- 18 September: Day of networking - Barcamp
- 19 September: Day of debate with Members of the European Parliament and EU Commission staff
The issues
1. We demand a cutback on surveillance
- Abolish the blanket logging of our communication and locations (data retention)
- Abolish the blanket collection of our biometric data as well as RFID passports
- No handing over of personal information without cause; no European wide standardized state run collection of information (Stockholm Program)
- No information exchange with the US or any other state lacking effective data protection laws
- No blanket registration of passengers traveling with airlines, trains, busses or by boat (PNR data)
- No systematic surveillance of financial transactions data or similar mass data analysis in the EU (SWIFT)
2. Existing surveillance powers need to be evaluated
We call for an independent review of all existing surveillance powers as to their effectiveness, proportionality, costs, harmful side-effects and alternative solutions. We particularly call on the European parliament to immediately re-evaluate existing and planned projects on interior security that restrict fundamental rights of the people in Europe.
3. Moratorium on new surveillance powers needed
Following the “arms race” in security measures over the past few years, we demand an immediate stop to new interior security laws that further restrict civil liberties.
4. Ensure freedom of expression, communication and information on the Internet
- Safeguard net neutrality with binding laws
- Keep the Internet free, unfiltered and uncensored, without blocking lists or pre-publication controls, neither by state institutions nor by Internet service providers
- No Internet disconnection policies (“three strikes”, “graduated response”)
- Content deletion must require an order by an independent and impartial judge, the right to legal recourse must be ensured
- Establish a digital Human Rights Charter for the 21st century, with global protections of digital civil rights

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