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14 December 2011: Participate in the Action Day against Data Retention! Print E-mail

 The Working Group on Data Retention (AK-Vorrat) is organizing an action day against data retention on December 14th. We would like to invite you to join our day of action!

On 14 December 2005 the European Parliament passed the Data Retention Directive. Six years later, we wish to remind our Members of Parliament and of European Parliament that blanket data retention violates fundamental rights and that we will not support MPs/MEPs who vote for the implementation or upholding of this unacceptable policy.

In order to communicate our message, we plan to install spider-webs in front of offices of MPs/MEPs. We will attach symbols for communication that is affected by data retention (health issues, freedom, legal advice, privacy, ...) to this spider web. Of course there will be some spiders craving for data inside this "web". We furthermore plan to add some signs for communication devices (computer, cell phone, smartphone, laptop, ...) to the corners of the web. Activists will hold some posters/signs that were especially designed for this event. After inviting the press and making some nice pictures of the decorated offices with us standing in front of the door holding our pretty signs, we want to invite the MPs/MEBs personally to discuss data retention with our group. If they do not react to this invitation, the groups are free to make a press release some weeks later about the unwillingness to talk to civil rights groups. 

Hopefully activists from lots of cities will participate. What about you? We would like to invite you to join our action day against data retention!

You can find more information, pictures and ideas in our Wiki (in German).

If you wish to participate or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Don't get wrapped up - Stop the blanket retention of all communications data!

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